
Converted Convertible

Erin L. loved our Queen of Hearts Limited Edition SO MUCH she decided to take matters into her own hands and "Queenie"-up a Black and White Convertible Tote, using salvaged seatbelt material from a puppy-chewed red Convertible Tote. 

The result?  A Queen of Hearts Convertible tote that, in Erin's words, she can "tote around all day, comfortably with no worries of getting a precious limited edition dirty."

Erin's new Queen of Hearts Convertible Tote on the left, while the original Queen of Hearts Medium Tote sits on the right.

As I like to say, if you want to make an omelet, you've gotta break a few eggs. Thumbs up, Erin, for making your Convertible Queenie a reality!


Fur Friday, comin' right atcha!

Dogs and cats usually get most of the Fur Friday love, but we don't discriminate! 

In fact, once I saw these photos from Lisa H., I knew I had to make it a "Henry the Rat" double feature.  He's quite the spokesrat.

Henry the Rat showing off one of our Get Checked bags, which are released every year and benefit Breast Cancer Research

Always keep those Harveys cards close!  Love you, too, Henry.  Keep spreadin' the word.
Have a furry friend that you'd like to see featured in an upcoming First Friday post?  Send your photos to contest@seatbeltbags.com and they just might be!


Q&A with Harveys' model Katrina!

You know what they say---behind every amazing Seatbeltbag, there's an amazing model!  We've been working with model Katrina Amato since 2006, and her contagious smile, incredible versatility, and unique good looks have made her a favorite among Harveys fans and staff.

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Katrina, and we're sharing our interview with you, along with images from past photoshoots.  Enjoy!

Harveys: We hear you've been modelling for a long time.  Can you tell us a little bit about when you first started modelling?
Katrina: Well, I started modelling when I was 14.  I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, and was more or less scouted.  I went to a modelling convention that a friend ran, and got a lot of positive response from agents in the US and internationally.  One of my first modelling jobs was for Kohl's, which was based out of nearby Milwaukee, which is so funny, because as a teenager, it was something that I was really embarrassed about.  Friends would see their ads in the Sunday paper, and would ask if I was the model, and I would beg them not to tell anyone!  Now, looking back, that's the type of gig so many models would love to have! After that, I flew out to New York with my parents to meet with agents that wanted me to fly out to Milan, but my parents wouldn't have it, so we came back home, and signed with an agency out of Chicago, instead.

H: You have such an interesting look, Katrina!  We're all a little curious---what's your ethnic background?
K: I get that a lot!  At some jobs, I'll get approached by someone who tells me that everyone has taken bets on where I'm from.  People don't realize this, but Madison, Wisconsin is actually a very diverse place.  My father is Sicilian (which can be a whole mix of things, really), and my mom is Irish and German. 

H: When did you move out to California, and why?
K: I've been dancing my whole life, and came to California in 2003 when I was accepted into Cal State Long Beach's highly competitive dance program, which was ranked in the top 4 dance programs at the time.  For my first year there, I took a break from modelling so I could have a "normal" college experience, and I loved it.  Before my second year started at CSULB, I went back home and drove my own car back with me, and then signed with Brand Models out of Santa Ana, an agency which I have so much love and respect for!  They're also the reason I got my first modelling job with Harveys.

H: What other modelling work have you done that might be familiar?
K: Let's see---I've done commercial work for lots of companies, including Clinique Cosmetics, GMC, Heineken, and I have a few commercials coming up for Chevrolet.  I've also gotten a lot of yoga-related print work for yoga and active-wear companies because of my personal experience in yoga.
H: That's awesome!  What can you tell us about your yoga experience?
K: I've actually been teaching yoga for the past 7 years. I fell into yoga after having had a lot of injuries through college related to dance, and yoga really saved me.  It's a huge passion of mine, because it really helps people physically and mentally.  I recently launched BeYoutiful Life, which incorporates yoga, dance and photography in a way to help transform people's lives from the inside out, and encourages women to express their authentic inner beauty and to be themselves.  It also helps guide and inform young models and their families to make sure that they're able to lead healthy, successful modelling careers, since I've been there myself!

H: What is your favorite photoshoot with Harveys?
K: Not sure I can pick a favorite---the photoshoots just keep getting better and better!  The current team that works on the shoots (Harveys creative staff, photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists) are amazing to work with, and it's gotten to a point where it really doesn't feel like work.  We all know each other so well; we know what works, and what doesn't, so it's more about the excitement of seeing the new bags and what the inspiration behind the shoot will be.   One photoshoot that was especially memorable was the one we did for the Barbie bags.  We shot at the home of a prominent Barbie collector, and we were all just completely blown away by her amazing collection, which included an entire room full of vintage Barbie dolls on display!

H: Do you have a favorite Harveys bag?
K: I literally take my Madison bag with me everywhere I go!  When I first saw it, I knew I had to have it, since I'm from Madison, WI.  Aside from that, it's gorgeous, lightweight, and the perfect size to take with me anywhere, even to the airport!  A few of my friends and family members got Madison, too, so we all have matching Harveys bags.

H: We love Madison! Anything else you want to share with us?
K: Just that I love working with Harveys---the shoots are so playful, fun, and allow me to be myself!  That's what Harveys is all about, and that's what I want to encourage in young women through my modelling and my new venture---be yourself, and be happy.  That's what real beauty is all about!


Green Thumb

Melanie and the girls love gardening. They just picked up all these seeds for our vegetable garden. Not only do we love to eat the vegetables but this year she will be entering the pumpkin contest and her pickles at the OC Fair.


Oh, the memories!

Can you believe it??  Harveys turned 16 yesterday.

Dana here, and even though I can't really remember being 16 all that well, Melanie definitely does, shown below with her brother Scott in (time flies when you're having fun) 1985:

Really doesn't get much better than this!

It's been an amazing 16 years for us here at Harveys, thanks to some hard work and amazing support from our fans!  Here are a few images from when things first started:

Melanie and I on our wedding day with the 1950 Buick that started it all; the house-turned-factory where the first Seatbeltbags were born; me hard at work in our first legit factory location.

So, whether you're a long-time fan, or whether you've just discovered us, THANK YOU for being there! Couldn't do it without you. 

Lily, take it away:  

"It's our party, and we'll cry if we want to!"

Lily, circa 2010, after cutting her own bangs and realizing that  her future as a hairdresser has been seriously compromised.


Tote Green, WIN Green Contest WINNERS!!!

Let's get right to it!  Here are the winners of our Tote Green, WIN Green Contest:

Sara Pugh with her dog Lucky! 
Melinda posing with Sully & Mike!
Samantha Garner with her adorable baby bump.
Harley Stanley with her impressive green Seatbeltbag collection---I think think it might be here favorite color.
Karen Gutierrez added a classy Seatbeltbow to her already adorable grandbaby.  

Want your green?  Winners, please email contest@seatbeltbags.com so we can get your GREEN sent out to you! 

Congrats to the winners, and a huge thank you to everyone who sent photos in---it was hard to pick only five. 

Here are some of my other favorites:


Spring 2013 LTD Release Party!

We had a blast last Saturday at our Spring 2013 LTD release party! If you weren't able to make it, don't worry---we took plenty of pics: 

Some of the Harveys crew revealing the Spring 2013 LTD's, Honey Bee & Heard it Through the Grapevine.

The line wrapped around the building!
The delicious treats: you can't go wrong with cookies and candy.

2nd floor view---this is where the raffle winners are announced. Candid shots are always fun---lots of mid-conversation gestures in this one.

This adorable little girl helped us out by drawing the names for the raffle.  We could tell she took the responsibility verrry seriously.
The lucky raffle winners!!
Melanie and I posing with some Harveys customers.  Some of them came all the way from West Virgina!

Joe chattin' it up!

Melanie and Stephanie, who drove out from Phoenix, AZ.

Some of our great customers hanging out on the third floor (aka the Harveys Museum). 

This event couldn't have happened without our amazing Harveys crew! 
THANK YOU to everyone that came out to the event. See you next time! 


Marilyn wearing Marilyn

If you have a daughter I'm sure you're familiar with them constantly bugging you to carry your bag. Our girls are no exception. I took this pic of Marilyn carrying mom's Polka Dot Marilyn in front of Kimmies Coffee Cup this morning.

Summer Luv'n Lily

Lily put this outfit together for our bike ride and tied it all together with her Blue Hawaiian Summer Luv'n Rugby.

Crossing the Finish Line - Dana at the LA Marathon

I have to be the first to admit that I never thought I could do it.  Never.  Not ever.  Not in a million years.  

Yesterday, I ran the LA Marathon. 

"Daddy, you stink!"  Guess Marilyn didn't really appreciate what 26.2 miles did to the way Daddy smells. Sorry, girls---nothing a shower can't fix.

It all started with small changes---I started biking to work and eating a plant-based diet almost two years ago.  Got some decent hiking under my belt.  Then last October, I entered and finished the Newport Beach Sprint Triathlon.

Once that happened, I figured 'why not go all the way?' and signed up for the LA Marathon.  With an amazing course taking runners from near Dodger Stadium all the way to Santa Monica, it seemed like a huge, but very rewarding challenge.  

Here's a map of the route---I still can't believe I ran this!

I started training, using some online tools and apps like RunKeeper, and spent three months building up my stamina and distance running. 

Now that it's over, I can defintely say it's the toughest thing I've ever done.  About 6 miles from the end of the race, the little devil on my shoulder started telling me everything I wanted to hear ("you don't have to run anymore", "take it easy, Dana," "won't it feel great to walk?"), but I was determined to run the entire course.  I'm really grateful for all the awesome marathon volunteers who spent the race cheering runners on along the course---it definitely helps!  It also helped knowing that Melanie and the girls were in Santa Monica, waiting for me to get to the finish line!

Not sure I'm going to run another full marathon any time soon (feels good to check that one off the list), but I'm definitely thinking a few half-marathons might be in my future. 



You're right---it HAS been a while since we had a Fur Friday!

Here are just a few of my favorite photos that have been sent in over the past couple of months:
This gem was sent in by Kim of her Lola Zipster and Doberman Sadie.  I totally get it, Sadie---it's tough being in the spotlight sometimes. 
Karen sent this one in of her cat Brockly hiding away in her Leopard Print Boat Tote.  Brockly has got to be one of the most considerate cats in history, leaving all that room for the rest of what Karen carries around!
Jenni's cat Cody is sunbathing next to our Large Satchel in Black & White, reminding us that it's a pretty cool color combo.
As always, thank you for sending these in---I get a huge kick seeing what our bags, and your furry animal friends, are up to!  Want to send in a photo?  Send it to contest@seatbeltbags.com.


Tote Green, WIN Green!

The original Lucky Charms leprechaun wearing our hipster (c) General Mills
I love seeing pics of fans toting their HARVEYS seatbeltbags... ESPECIALLY for fun holidays like St. Patty's day! So I thought it would be fun to have another (drum roll) CONTEST!!!!

Entering is easy! Simply send in a photo of yourself toting GREEN Harveys seatbeltbags or seatbelt accessories that keep you pinch-proof! You could be picked to WIN one of these GREEEEEEEN Seatbeltbags:

From left to right: Lucky Charm Hipster, Mint Mini Messenger, Emerald Hipster, Evergreen Medium Tote, and the Mint Clutch Wallet.
I'm picking my five favorite GREEN photos and announcing the winners on Thursday, March 21st at 12pm PDT, so all entries need to be sent in to contest@seatbeltbags.com by Tuesday, March 19th at midnight to qualify.   (We will respond to your submissions via email reply for confirmation)

Can't wait to check your pics! And see some green! And see your happy faces!


Spring forward!

It's that time of year when all of us "spring forward" to get an extra hour of sunlight in the evening.  It feels like I look up the reasons behind Daylight Savings every year, but by the time it rolls around again, I'm never sure I have the final answer.  So, I looked it up again.

I can't resist a good swap meet find.

Turns out that many countries implemented some form of Daylight Savings after World War I (different dates and different times, but same idea).  The original idea was energy-savings---moving the clocks forward moves an hour of sunlight from the morning (when most of us are asleep) to the evening, so that less electricity is used to keep things lit up.

Daylight Savings came up when I was talking to my brother in Australia, and he mentioned that they don't move their clocks in Brisbane.  Apparently, farmers outnumber non-farmers there, and since the time change would confuse the cows, the farmers weren't having it.

This is probably not what my brother meant. 

These days, no one seems totally convinced that Daylight Savings actually saves much energy, but most people still love having sunnier evenings.

Well, whether you love it or not, don't forget to move those clocks forward!
With the number of vintage, mid-century clocks we have in our office, I'm just thankful we don't use any of them to keep time.