
HARVEYS on Wikipedia?

I remember back when you pondered on a question for months thinking, "I'm going to have to go to the Library and look that up". Nowadays you can find out in an instant with Wikipedia.org. You can look up practically anything and I love "bouncing" around with the links in the articles.
So... I recently purchased a new pair of Sperry Top-Sider, boat shoes. I got my first pair back in 1983. Sure you could find a cheap knock-off but I was always taught that you should never compromise quality for price and to always go with the original. And it paid off. They lasted for years until I finally outgrew them. 

I was curious about the history of Sperry Top-Sider so I did a little poking around on Wikipedia and found that they had a very interesting beginning.

There are lots of imitators of the "boat shoe" but Sperry Top-Sider is the original. It reminded me of our humble beginnings and how there are lots of seatbeltbag imitators but only one original, HARVEYS. 

All this got me thinking about our story. I couldn't find it anywhere on Wikipedia. Wikipedia doesn't allow you to publish your own article so if anyone out there wants to make one for us I would be very happy to answer any questions and be forever in you debt. Thank you.