

You're right---it HAS been a while since we had a Fur Friday!

Here are just a few of my favorite photos that have been sent in over the past couple of months:
This gem was sent in by Kim of her Lola Zipster and Doberman Sadie.  I totally get it, Sadie---it's tough being in the spotlight sometimes. 
Karen sent this one in of her cat Brockly hiding away in her Leopard Print Boat Tote.  Brockly has got to be one of the most considerate cats in history, leaving all that room for the rest of what Karen carries around!
Jenni's cat Cody is sunbathing next to our Large Satchel in Black & White, reminding us that it's a pretty cool color combo.
As always, thank you for sending these in---I get a huge kick seeing what our bags, and your furry animal friends, are up to!  Want to send in a photo?  Send it to contest@seatbeltbags.com.