
We Are Living in a Material World Part 1

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting pics from the Material Girl event in Omaha. Sorry it's taken so long. There was so much to take in that I didn't know where to start which is why I'm splitting this up into 2 parts. From the moment we stepped off the plane, Scott had every minute planned out for us. Even though we arrived at 10pm Thursday night, Scott and Erica insisted on meeting us for a late dinner which turned into drinks until 2am.
Friday morning our first stop was Material Girl for the grand tour. This being my first visit to Omaha, I had only ever seen pictures of both MG locations. It was great see them in person and I was very impressed with their entire operation and team.

They do an excellent job of displaying the HARVEYS bags.
And they had a lot of them too.
They carry a large selection of other handbags and accessories Brands as well.

Scott's Dad built all of the custom shelving which I absolutely loved. What a great design.
Omaha loves their Huskers. In fact the LTD event happened on Game day which goes to show how dedicated Scott was to his HARVEYS customers.
Black to Basics. DYK that Black is our top selling color?
I really liked how they displayed the bags by color and size on the wall. We might have to steal this idea.
Gotta love your Clipas. I think MG is responsible for introducing a lot of our Seatbeltbag customers to Clipa. Erica does a great job of selecting all of the brands that Material Girl carries. She spots trends before they become good. After all she spotted HARVEYS, right?
It was so great to meet some of our customers that can't make it out to California for our events.
Carly was the designated photographer for the entire weekend. She did such an amazing job too.
 We got to hang out in the warehouse which is connected to their store. This is where MG runs their Website from. They really focus on providing excellent customer service which is very important to us too.

The VIP gift bags for the VIP event at ROJA Mexican Grill which will be in Part 2 so stay tuned.