
Welcome Back Christopher

Christopher has been Managing the Melrose store for the past year but now he's back to Manage the Santa Ana Store while Trisha is on maternity leave. I've known Christopher for almost 4 years now but I wanted to find out more so I asked him 10 random questions:
Are you happy to be back at the Santa Ana store?
I definitely am happy to be back at Harveys Santa Ana! The customers are fabulous, the staff is amazing, and overall it’s always felt like home for me.
Where did you grow up?

West Covina, California! I’ve lived in Southern California my entire life…I sometimes think about trying a new state, but at the same time I can’t see myself ever living anywhere else. I’m a firm believer in never-say-never though…so we’ll see!

What was your nickname growing up?
Christopher! Hahaha, my mom would NEVER call my Chris…and I don’t have a middle name. Here’s an interesting fact though…no matter what, women always tend to call me Christopher, but men almost NEVER do. Even if I introduce myself as Christopher, they’ll say, “Nice to meet you Chris!” Ha!
Do you have any hidden talents we don't know about?
I love anything in the creative world…but if you want to know a secret, I’d love to get back into playing in a symphonic orchestra at some point in my life. It was a major passion at one point in my life and I’d love to get back into it somehow.

Of all places you could work why did you choose HARVEYS?
I first learned about HARVEYS through a coworker that owned a Seatbelt Bag. I loved it so much I decided I needed to learn more, so I begin my investigation about HARVEYS and the company/people behind the magic. I kept randomly meeting people that either worked for HARVEYS or were closely tied to it. At the same time events kept leading to a “light-bulb” moment in which I realized HARVEYS is where I wanted to be! I’ll be celebrating my 4 year anniversary here this December!
What's your favorite HARVEYS color?
Well it’s had so many different names, but I’d have to say Convertible Blue! My favorite print was probably the Manhattan Croc by Sujean Rim.
What’s your all time favorite HARVEYS bag?
For me, the Executive Laptop Bag is definitely my favorite! I’ve used it 5 days a week for almost 4 years and the bag still looks AMAZING! 

What's your favorite drink?
WATER! I’m obsessed…but Iced Tea and Diet Coke will work and pretty much in that exact order.
What's your favorite place to eat?
Hmm, I can eat just about anywhere! If the company is good, then it’s my favorite place to eat!

What's your favorite thing about working for HARVEYS?
Oh my, there are too many things to list…I’m really bad at choosing favorites! Anyone close to me will tell you that! I love working for an American company that supports local economy and local workers. I absolutely love the products. I absolutely love the entire Harveys team. There is a magic about this company that I’ve felt since day one that is really hard to describe, but we’re all family and we all work together like a big team. Everyone is important and we all couldn’t do what we do without each other.