BP's flagship gas station on the corner of Robertson and Olympic Blvd in Hollywood, CA is constructed of recycled materials and uses a tenth of the energy of a typical gas station. This past Saturday they hosted a Green event and we were asked to join other green companies to display our Treecycle line of recycled seatbeltbags.

$40 on pump 5 please

We set up right in front of the gas pump. Even the concrete had recycled glass
Ashley making "green" HARVEYS buttons.

The girls from yourdailythread.com a website devoted to green happenings in the LA area. They put together this event.

I was excited to see the Tesla Roadster in person. Only 250 of these fully electric cars were produced. Slightly cooler than the Prius and made right here in California.

Teenage DJ crew, The Take Under spinning for the crowd

Not what you'd expect from a gas station restroom.

The inside looked better than a 5 star hotel and uses less energy than a single light bulb. It even uses reclaimed water. I know, kinda gross but they assured me it's completely sanitary.

Our green thumb mascot modeling the Treecycle boxy tote

The gas station attendants wear these coveralls made of organic hemp.

as the sun set we got a glimpse of the coolest part of this gas station...

...the energy efficient LED lighting that constantly changes colors.

Guests filled up on treats parked right in front of the gas pumps.

The Fox news crew filming Ashley as she talks about or Treecycle seatbeltbags.

Taking a break on seating provided by Botanist an eco-friendly line of furniture that's made in USA just like our bags. We actually use their benches in our Santa Ana store.